Assemblymember Chris Rogers Honors Eileen Mitro as Assembly District 2 Woman of the Year

For immediate release:
Meredith McNamee
Chief of Staff
(916) 319-2002

SACRAMENTO, CA – On Monday, Assemblymember Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) honored Eileen Mitro of Ukiah as “Assembly District 2 Woman of the Year” at the annual Woman of the Year floor ceremony in the state Capitol. This ceremony, hosted by the Legislative Women’s Caucus, is held every year in honor of Women’s History Month and features one honoree from each Assembly district.

“The work that Eileen has done, and continues to do, as an advocate and educator has touched the lives of thousands in our district, “said Assemblymember Rogers. “We’re fortunate to have a fierce leader like her advocating for solutions to climate change, especially at a time when California is going to be the tip of the spear in resisting federal policies that could be disastrous for our environment.”

Eileen Mitro is a climate advocate and former public educator and administrator. She worked as a school teacher, English as a Second Language specialist, and administrator in Santa Rosa before relocating to Ukiah after her retirement. Mitro has spent the past two decades working towards solving our climate crisis, while also applying her skills as a former public educator to improve our communities in Mendocino County. She volunteered on two County Commissions, the Child Care Planning Council and the Healthcare Planning Council of Mendocino County.

In 2017, Mitro co-founded Climate Action Mendocino, a group that promotes climate action to the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors and promotes local and regional climate education. She is also active as a member of the Climate Crisis Working Group of the GrassRoots Institute and the local Sanhedrin Chapter of the California Native Plant Society.

“I was profoundly honored to be chosen by Assemblymember Chris Rogers for the Woman of the Year award from District 2 and to be among so many women who have accomplished so much by doing such amazing work in our state,” said Eileen Mitro. “For those of us working hard every day on climate action, it helps a lot to be acknowledged for our continuing efforts.  We work hard locally because we care about the climate and the future survival of those of us who live here. All of us on the North Coast deeply appreciate the beauty and bounty of our land, the friendliness of our people, and the ocean that influences our lives and nurtures us. We work to protect that.”


Chris Rogers was elected to the state Assembly in 2024. As the Assemblymember for the Second Assembly District, he represents Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties. Learn more about Assemblymember Rogers here.  


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State Capitol
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Sacramento, CA 94249-0002
Tel: (916) 319-2002
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50 "D" Street, Suite 450
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Tel: (707) 576-2526
Fax: (707) 576-2297

Ukiah Valley Conference Center
200 S. School St. Suite D
Ukiah, CA 95482
Tel: (707) 463-5770
Fax: (707) 463-5773

Humboldt/Del Norte/Trinity:
1036 5th Street, Suite D
Eureka, CA 95501
Tel: (707) 445-7014
Fax: (707) 445-6607