California has always been a leader in providing eligible students with an affordable college education.
The Cal Grant and the Middle Class Scholarship are two great state programs to help California families afford college:
Cal Grant, a need-based state financial aid program, has been a big part of making college affordable for many California families.
The financial eligibility requirements can be met by many typical California families. Qualified students can receive up to $12,570 in funding to attend almost any college in California – awards vary depending on economic need, grades and the college you attend.
The Middle Class Scholarship is a program for students who do not qualify for Cal Grants but are still priced out of college. It offers sliding-scale discounts of up to 40 percent for families who earn $171,000 or less in income and assets and don't qualify for Cal Grants, which support lower-income students.
Don't delay! Check the deadlines the year before you plan to begin college.