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March 2017 Community Champion Herman J. Hernández

Dear Friend,

As one way to highlight the good deeds and hard work of our neighbors, my office features a “Community Champion” every month. The champion can be an individual, a group, an organization or a business that makes us proud to be a part of the community we live in.

This month's Community Champion is Herman J. Hernández.

Herman is a proud Rotarian and believes that it is important to give back to the community by giving service above self. He has served on the board of the Russian River Park and Recreation District since 1975 and is chairman and founder of Los Cien Sonoma County.

Los Cien is Sonoma County’s largest Latino leadership organization that reaches out to more than 850 Latino community leaders and promotes civic involvement and voter registration among Latinos. His work with the organization helps increase the Latino presence by engaging the Latino community on important issues like climate change, education, immigration and affordable housing. The organization also helps empower Latino youth by teaching leadership skills that help them become more active participants in their communities. 

Mr. Hernández is a real estate broker and owner of a local real estate business. His lifelong goal was to make Guerneville his permanent residence and in 1970, he made it a reality, moving from San Francisco after many years of summer vacations in Guerneville with his family. He has been a community member of the Russian River area for more than 40 years. Herman has been recognized many times for his hard work in the community. He was awarded the North Bay Leadership Award, the Luther Burbank of the Arts Community Service Award and the Sonoma County Spirit Award.

Herman’s love and hard work for our community is an inspiration to all. I am proud to represent such a dedicated and passionate individual.

If you have a recommendation for “Community Champions,” please send their name, along with information about their good work, to or call (707) 463-5770.


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