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Erin Dunn Joins Assemblymember Jim Wood’s team in Eureka

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO—On Tuesday, October 16, Erin Dunn will join Assemblymember Jim Wood’s Eureka district office as Field Representative. Wood represents the 2nd Assembly District which includes Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity and Mendocino counties plus northern and coastal Sonoma County. He maintains three district offices in Santa Rosa, Ukiah and Eureka. The Eureka office supports Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity counties.

Dunn has been involved in Humboldt County for the past 15 years, most recently serving 11 years as CEO of the Fortuna Chamber of Commerce, focused on growing the local economy through tourism and business and community engagement. “I’m excited to join Assemblymember Wood’s team and have the opportunity to provide exceptional service to our constituents. He understands the challenges of rural California and I look forward to being a part of his problem-solving crew,” said Dunn.

A graduate of the University of Oregon, she currently serves as a board member on Fortuna’s McLean Foundation and Ferndale’s Repertory Theatre, is a member of Fortuna Union High School’s Bond Oversight Committee and is also a bi-weekly community contributor on KINS Radio. Dunn served 5 years as a board member on the Redwood Memorial Hospital Foundation. 

“There is no easy description for an Assembly district representative,” said Wood. “If you’re a jack-of-all-trades and a master of most of them, a bottomless resource for information and can work well within the community by bringing people together to address challenges and problem solve, then you have what it takes,” Wood said, “and Erin brings all of that to our team.”

“Erin joins our Eureka office with exactly those talents and skills and is well known and respected within the Humboldt community – we’re lucky to have her,” says Ruth Valenzuela, Wood’s district director who oversees all three district offices and is a veteran district staffer of 14 years.

You can reach Erin Dunn in the Eureka district office, beginning October 16, at (707) 445-7014.